Friday, December 16, 2022

Comments (since I wasn't able to post them under peers entries)


November 18, 2022


It was interesting to see how you decided you major and your thought process as I had a different one. Nonetheless, glad you found a major you enjoy!

Emma T

December 03, 2022

the science behind my lunchtime coffee

I enjoyed reading this entry from your blog. Your title definitely caught my eye as I love science and it was interesting how you analyzed how coffee or an energy drink influences you day etc. 


December 06, 2022


What a beautiful picture! The entire vibe of your blog is great but this entry definitely caught my eye with the art on the front of the store. I definitely understand why you would stop and take pictures. The aesthetic is great!


December 13, 2022

Entry 15 

I hope you find your “why” although I don’t think you need one! I think your why will come to you once you start doing. Don’t let not having a “why” hold you back! 


September 06, 2022

Week 2 

What an interesting index! I don’t recall seeing that one but I am glad you picked it and talked about it. I am intrigued to keep learning about the concept! 

Jordan rittgers

December 07, 2022 

What are you grateful for?

It’s interesting that you put your friends as many other people might have gone with something else. Nonetheless, I am glad you have good friends that you are grateful for! 

Ian Garner

November 11 2022 

Week #1

I love the font you chose! It’s so cool and I feel like it expresses who you are and makes me feel like I am reading a journal from the past. Super cool and creative! 


December 14, 2022

Yayoi Kusama

Such a cool picture! It definitely intrigued me to learn more about what I was seeing and since I am Japanese it was interesting to learn about someone who I share a similar culture with! 


December 14, 2022

Meeeowww WOLF!

It was cool to read your perspective of MeowWolf and see if you had a similar or different experience compared to when I went. I am glad you had a good time!


August 24, 2022

The City of Paleto: An Introduction

I love that your blog has a theme of minecraft going on! I am trying to have a medical themed blog myself! 


November 27, 2022


It’s interesting how those are welcoming spaces and we all have different ones but those truly do feel welcoming just with the pictures. I am glad you have spaces that feel comfortable for you! 


November 06, 2022


It’s cool that a lot of your posts include aristotle in them! 


December 09, 2022 

Blog 15 I couldn’t agree more with what you stated! Also I love the pictures you put throughout your blog, there very captivating!


December 14, 2022

The Fear of Failure

I struggle with the same problem. It was interesting to see your perspective. I hope you grow to embrace failure instead of fearing it. 


October 27, 2022

Week 9 Blog: City of Roses

I love roses so the title of the entry and the picture caught my attention. It was nice to see you describe a place you found so beautiful. It definitely sounds like it is and I hope I get to visit one day! 

One thing I'd like to develop in myself/How I will foster creativity in those around me

  • One thing I'd like to develop in myself
    • I would like to develop my commitment and patience within myself.
  • How I will foster creativity in those around me
    • Something I find myself doing is talking about this class a lot to my peers and expressing everything I learned when someone asks me something about creativity. 

This study explains why humans are creative

In what are you majoring, and how did you decide on your major? Talking about something difficult that I had to do. How I worked through that challenge, and what were some things I learned in the process.

  • In what I am majoring, and how I decided on your majors
    • Check entries for response to the question: 
    • When you hear the word "creativity," what comes to mind? How would you describe creativity?
    • Write on a topic and include images that inspire you. You may choose your own topic or use one of the prompts below. What drew you to take a class on creativity?What do you do to inspire your creativity?
  • Talking about something difficult that I had to do. How I worked through that challenge, and what were some things I learned in the process.
    • Something difficult I had to do was leave Florida/My family to move to Colorado for a good education. The way I have worked throughout this challenge was to make sure I decorated my room to resemble my house in Florida to reduce home sickness. Make good friends, talk to my family constantly, make sure I am staying busy. I learned that it is possible to take the risk and succeed! 

Top 10 best college towns in the U.S.

What has been challenging and rewarding about sharing my ideas with others to help me develop and refine them/What has been challenging and rewarding about sharing my ideas with others to help me develop and refine them

  • What has been challenging and rewarding about sharing my ideas with others to help me develop and refine them. 
    • I am not particularly sure if something was challenging about sharing my ideas with others. However, it was definitely rewarding to get insight, a different perspective, and a way to expand my idea when talking to other individuals.
  • Sharing something that I love about Colorado that inspires my creativity.
    • The mountains! Coming from Florida and only having beaches and not mountains it’s incredible to see them all the time from my apartment or on campus. 

Colorado Mountains

A memorable building I have experienced. An adjective I would use to describe how I felt and what qualities/attributes of the space contributed to this feeling/A memorable building I have experienced. An adjective I would use to describe how I felt and what qualities/attributes of the space contributed to this feeling.

  • A memorable building I have experienced. An adjective I would use to describe how I felt and what qualities/attributes of the space contributed to this feeling. 
    • Hospital - ineffable
    • When I am in the hospital I love the environment. I love how cold and clean everything is. I love seeing all the workers and how beautiful the building is along with its machinery. However, I don’t like if I am there because I am ill or if anyone close to me is ill. 
AdventHealth Orlando - Wikipedia

  • Reflecting on how my personal creativity has changed and/or developed over this semester. 
    • I feel like this class provided me with structure in terms of my creativity and guidelines to expand my creativity. Its funny because you wouldn’t particularly think that adding structure and guidelines to creativity would help nurish it and help it grow but it does. 

Determining the problem or challenge for which this object might have been a solution/Creative Individual Report

  • An object or process that has been designed. Determining the problem or challenge for which this object might have been a solution. 
    • Problem: Brain Tumor
    • Solution: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

 Magnetic resonance imaging - Wikipedia

  • Brief summary of the creative individual I studied for my report. 
    • Go to: Example of a creative/innovative person who took a risk. Describing a time I took a risk. 


A time I visited a place for the first time. What I remember. What I was drawn to.


  • A time I visited a place for the first time. What I remember. What I was drawn to.
    • This was actually years ago when I was probably still in middle school, I came to visit my dad in Colorado and driving to his house meant passing Anschutz, UC Health and Children’s Hospital. I remember seeing the banner about being #1 in the state and how big the campus was. I was definitely drawn to it and now I work there! 
Historic $200 Million Commitment to the University of Colorado Anschutz  Medical Campus Fuels Advancements in Treatments and Cures

Comments (since I wasn't able to post them under peers entries)

Blake November 18, 2022 MAJOR It was interesting to see how you decided you major and your thought process as I had a different one. Nonethe...