Friday, December 16, 2022

A memorable building I have experienced. An adjective I would use to describe how I felt and what qualities/attributes of the space contributed to this feeling/A memorable building I have experienced. An adjective I would use to describe how I felt and what qualities/attributes of the space contributed to this feeling.

  • A memorable building I have experienced. An adjective I would use to describe how I felt and what qualities/attributes of the space contributed to this feeling. 
    • Hospital - ineffable
    • When I am in the hospital I love the environment. I love how cold and clean everything is. I love seeing all the workers and how beautiful the building is along with its machinery. However, I don’t like if I am there because I am ill or if anyone close to me is ill. 
AdventHealth Orlando - Wikipedia

  • Reflecting on how my personal creativity has changed and/or developed over this semester. 
    • I feel like this class provided me with structure in terms of my creativity and guidelines to expand my creativity. Its funny because you wouldn’t particularly think that adding structure and guidelines to creativity would help nurish it and help it grow but it does. 

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Comments (since I wasn't able to post them under peers entries)

Blake November 18, 2022 MAJOR It was interesting to see how you decided you major and your thought process as I had a different one. Nonethe...