Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Write on a topic and include images that inspire you. You may choose your own topic or use one of the prompts below. What drew you to take a class on creativity?What do you do to inspire your creativity?

As stated in some of my previous blogs, I love the medical field and the brain in specific. One of my 

majors is Psychology and my minor is in Behavioral Cognitive Neuroscience with the end goal of 

becoming a Neurosurgeon. So of course when I saw this class I knew creativity is connected with the 

brain and I would be getting a different perspective of how the brain works in terms of creativity. 

Ironically enough with in my time in this class we have covered many examples of the medical field and 

its connection with creativity. As well as discussing the brain which is what I hoped for when signing up 

for this class. Apart from that aspect I also love the subject of creativity and considered myself very 

creative so I was definitely intrigued to see if I could expand on my creativity and what else this class had 

to offer. 

Choose one INDEX award winner or nominee and review their profile and design. Write a comment about the design or invention.

Oui - The next sexual revolution is hormone - free

Index Award 2021 winners


This design is named after the French word for ‘yes’, OUI is a beautiful, discrete lifestyle product the size 

of a big jelly bean. It’s a gel capsule that's inserted into the vagina and works after one minute and up to 

five hours. That keeps the spontaneity of sexual pleasure intact, but the real innovation of OUI lies in its 

genius use of the body’s natural pregnancy barrier: Mucus.


I am extremely interested by this design/invention. I think a lot of times we over complicate our 

innovations and believe it has to be complicated/complex to be something great and life/world impacting. 

I like that this invention is simple and used simple knowledge to develop this type of natural pregnancy 

barrier. I also enjoy how unexpected this form of medical advancement is. I wouldn't believe that this 

would work but somehow it does. I love that the medical industry is still working on developing women's 

(sexual) health. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

When you hear the word "creativity," what comes to mind? How would you describe creativity?

When I hear of the word "Creativity" the first thing that comes to mind is the Brain. I believe the Brain is

 the first thing that comes to mind when I think of creativity because the frontal cortex is responsible for 

our creative thinking and is the center of creativity. I love the brain and I love being creative. When 

individuals ask me to describe myself in a word I always go with creative and I will always use creative 

thinking over any other form of thinking. Apart from loving creativity and the brain I love the medical 

field. So of course I believe it's only natural to associate my love for the medical field and the brain with 


I would describe creativity as solutions and innovations.

In high school I took classes like: 

- Principles of Biomedical Sciences

- Human Body System

- Human Anatomy and Physiology Honors

- Forensic Science

- First Aid and Safety

- Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

- Psychology 1

- Psychology 2

- IB Psychology

Along with other science classes, I also joined and even started my own medical clubs. I held presidency in:

- Science National Honor Society

- National Honor Society of Psychology

- Health Occupations Students of America

While volunteering at a Hospital. Apart from my background in the sciences and the medical 

field I've always considered myself an extremely creative person. It's ironic because a big myth of 

creativity is that you can only be creative or find creativity in the arts and that the sciences is a career field 

or an area that lacks creativity. However, I disagree, I believe the sciences and the medical field is where 

creativity is needed and found the most. When I hear the word creativity I think of the brain and the 

frontal cortex as studies have shown the frontal cortex is responsible for creative thinking and is the center 

of creativity. In the medical field creative thinking is such an important skill to have. This also goes in 

hand with how I would describe creativity, solutions and innovation. If I had to state an example I would 

probably mention something in the medical field, whether it's a medical program, medical machine/device, 

surgical technique, etc. I love the medical field and although my thought process might be one influenced 

by  science, I also believe it's influenced by creativity. 

Comments (since I wasn't able to post them under peers entries)

Blake November 18, 2022 MAJOR It was interesting to see how you decided you major and your thought process as I had a different one. Nonethe...